Diabetes Clinic

In partnership with Rick Hess, Pharm. D., Associate Professor with the Gatton College of Pharmacy at ETSU, SoFHA operates an American Diabetes Association nationally-recognized and certified Diabetes Self Management Educational Program.

Diabetes affects 29.1 million Americans today; this is 1 out of every 11 people. People with diabetes have a 50% higher risk of developing blindness, kidney failure, stroke, heart disease, and loss of legs, feet, or toes. If you have diabetes and have questions or concerns, the SoFHA diabetic clinic can help.

The Diabetic Clinic Offers:

  • Education: diabetes overview and treatment options, nutritional support, physical activity, medications, monitoring blood glucose, understanding acute and chronic complications, psychosocial issues, and behavioral change strategies. Behavioral change goals are made at each appointment and discussed at the follow up visits.
  • Insulin Pump training and support: training and support is provided for new and experienced pump users. New-start training is available for Animas or Medtronic devices including sensor-augmented pumps.
  • Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (CGMS): CGMS is a tiny sensor that works beneath the skin. The sensor measures interstitial glucose every 5 minutes for 3 days and transmits results to a small portable receiver for downloading. Trending graphs can be printed for evaluation

Dr. Hess received his Doctor of Pharmacy from Mercer Southern School of Pharmacy. He has been providing diabetes education since 1999 and earned Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) credential in 2004. He is also Board Certified in Advanced Diabetes Management (BC-ADM).

The clinic is by referral only. Please let your primary care provider know if you are interested in an appointment with Dr. Rick Hess.

Do you want to become a SOFHA patient?

Email help@sofha.org

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We will respond to your messages Monday – Friday between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.