Why are annual wellness visits important for your child? Every child develops differently, both physically and mentally. An annual wellness visit can detect medical and behavioral health issues early, keep immunizations up-to-date, and provide an opportunity for both parent and child to ask the doctor about concerns. What to expect during an annual wellness visit? In general, a wellness exam will cover: Height and weight measurementsReview of your child’s growth in comparison to standardized growth chartsDevelopmental milestonesVital signs, including blood pressure and heart rateEating habitsExercise habitsBathroom habitsSleep habitsBehavioral issuesScreening for vision and hearingScreening for anemia, lead exposure, and/or high cholesterolScreening for depression/anxietyLab workVaccinations The visit also will include a comprehensive physical exam. In general, the physician will examine your child’s: EyesEarsNoseMouth and throatHeartLungsAbdomenGenital examSkinMusculoskeletal systemNervous system Ready to Schedule Your Child’s Wellness Visit? Call Now Need more information about Pediatrics of Kingsport? Click here.