SOFHA Updates

Healing Tennessee: Breaking Free Through Responsibility, Innovation and Measurable Goals

Our CEO, Robert S. Slattery, had been looking forward to sharing his vision at the Healthy Tennessee Conference. Unfortunately, due to an unexpected scheduling conflict, he was unable to attend. While we are disappointed he couldn’t present in person, Rob remains deeply passionate about the ideas he prepared and is eager to share them with you.

His presentation outlines an inspiring path forward to transform Tennessee into one of the nation’s healthiest states by 2035, including:

  • Empowering individuals to take charge of their health through personal responsibility
  • Utilizing OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) to drive measurable improvements in health outcomes
  • Updating reimbursement models to foster equity and improve access to care

Please click the image below to view the full presentation. Together, we can create a healthier and brighter future for all Tennesseans.

Posted in SOFHA Updates